Sunday, November 11, 2007


John took the boys swimming at the indoor pool last week, a trip they all love. Usually it is just John, Johnny and George who go but recently James through mental telepathy knows where we are going and finds a way to snake his way in. He really loves to go and gets excited when we get there. Johnny is a good swimmer and loves to wear his goggles the entire time. John has talked him into jumping off the diving board. He is a little hesitant at first but finally gathers the courage to take the plunge. The pictures are of him standing next to the monstrous other diving boards and two of him actually jumping. The 2nd picture was supposed to be a cannon ball. The indoor swim center has four different slides and the boys (even James) love to go down them. If George had one wish he would be able to go down the dark tunnel one everytime. Someday when you all come visit we will make the trip.


Terri said...

Dear Johnny, you look very brave to be up there on the diving board. You are setting quite the example for your brothers to follow. Love you tons,
Grandma Tree
P.S. I love your little brothers too!